Records broken at Lyme Regis New Year's Day Duck Race 2025

Wednesday 1st January 2025

A record 2,550 ducks took part in the New Year's Day Duck Race. The rain failed to dampen spirits and a fabulous crowd turned out to cheer on the ducks. 

Pride of Britain Westcountry winner Joshua Denning, celebrating his 21st birthday, helped start the race with the Town Crier and Mayor and Mayoress of Lyme Regis. 

Winning ducks were as follows:
1st 1289 Jo De Bruyne winning £100
2nd 1740 Rebeccah Spencer winning £50
3rd 186 Dorian winning £20
Last duck home 1708 Annabelle Richardson £10

The in river team, consisting of Lyme Regis fire crew members Virgil Turner and Sam Harding plus local window cleaners John King and Steve Parsons did a great job marshalling the ducks through the course and ensuring they were all collected at the finish line.

The event was sponsored by Lyme Regis Marine Aquarium with all proceeds to Lyme Regis Christmas Lights 2025 fund.
