Mayor of Lyme Regis


The role of Mayor was created when Lyme was awarded a royal charter in 1284 by Edward I. The position is steeped in tradition and ceremony connecting the present day with history and acting as a symbol of continuity. The holder of the office is the first citizen of the town.

The Mayor chairs meetings of full council, undertakes many civic engagements and attends various events throughout the year. The Mayor traditionally raises funds for their chosen charity or charities throughout their term of office.  

The current Mayor of Lyme Regis is Cllr Philip Evans MBE who took over in September 2024 from Cllr David Ruffle who stood down for personal reasons. Jackie Evans is Mayoress.

The civic party comprises the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, town clerk, two macebearers and the town crier.

Mayors of Lyme Regis - 1437 to present

1437-1833 was taken from History of Lyme Regis and Charmouth by George Roberts 1834
1834-2022 Lists of Mayors in Lyme Regis Guildhall

1437 Roger Crogghs 1588 John Hassard
1440 Robert Dare 1589 John Davey
1443 Richard Baker 1590 William Ellesdon
1451 John Tyneham 1591 John Bellamy
1471 Richard Dare 1592 John Hayes
1491 William Dare 1593 Walter Harvey
1497 John Tyneham 1594 John Hassard
1500 William Dare 1595 William Ellesdon
1502 Philip Williams 1596 John Davey
1503 Richard Shilyngford 1597 Richard Norris
1505 John Burgh 1598 Robert Barnes
1506 William Dare 1599 Christopher Elmestone
1507 Thomas Skorche 1600 John Bidgood
1508 Philip Walche 1601 Robert Hassard
1509 Robert Trevett 1602 Walter Harvey
1521 Ralph Ellysdon 1603 Jas Hill (James Hill)
1547 T Ellesdon 1604 Sir George Summers (Somers) Knt
1548 John Dey 1605 Richard Norris
1549 Roger Garland 1606 John Hassard
1550 John Hassard 1607 Walter Tucker
1551 W Tudbold 1608 Arth Moore
1552 J Tanner died and Thomas Ellesdon executed his place 1609 Robert Bragge
1553 Henry Snow 1610 Jas Hill (James Hill)  
    1611 John Roze
1554 Richard Hunt 1613 John Kerridge
1555 J Barratt 1614 Walter Tucker
1556 T Ellesdon 1615 John Hassard
1557 Jno Hassard died and Thos Ellesdon executed his place 1616 Rd Harvey (Richard Harvey)
1558 Richard Hunt 1617 Richard Wright
1559 J Holcombe 1618 Robert Bragge
1560 Richard Buckford 1619 Arthur Gregory
1561 Roger Garland died and Jno Morris executed his place 1620 Anthony Ellesdon
1562 Robert Davey 1621 William Kirridge (Kerridge)
1563 Henry Snow 1622 John Roze
1564 Thomas Dare 1623 William Davey
1565 John Holcombe 1624 John Hassard
1566 Richard Barret(t) 1625 Walter Tucker
1567 John Hassard 1626 Richard Harvey
1568 Robert Davey 1627 Richard Alford
1569 John Garland 1628 John Newel
1570 William Ellesdon 1629 Anthony Ellesdon
1571 William Spering 1630 William Kirridge (Kerridge)
1572 John Hassard 1631 John Hassard
1573 Richard Barrett 1632 William Alford
1574 Robert Davey 1633 Richard Roze
1575 William Jurdayne 1634 Walter Tucker
1576 William Ellesdon 1635 Richard Harvey
1577 John Jurdayne (Jurden) 1636 R Alford
1578 John Hassard 1637 Anthony Ellesdon
1579 John Seaward 1638 William Kirridge (Kerridge)
1580 John Jones 1639 J Newel
1581 John Bellamy 1640 Robert Ceeley
1582 John Hassard 1641 Walter Tucker
1583 Robert Davey 1642 Richard Alford
1584 John Jurdayne (Jurden) 1643 John Hassard
1585 William Ellesdon 1644 T Sealey (Ceely or Ceeley)
1586 W Harvey 1645 John Perrot
1587 Jno Jones 1646 Anthony Ellesdon
    1647 Richard Alford
    1648 John Davey
    1649 Ignatius Turner
    1650 Richard Rose elected, but Ignatius Turner executed the place
1651 Anthony Ellesdon 1717 G Butcher [John Butcher]
1652 Richard Alford 1718 Nathaniel Gundry 
1653 John Davey 1719 Samuel Courtena [Courtenay]
1654 Walter West 1720 Jonas Whetcom (e)
1655 Ignatius Turner 1721 Robert Burridge
1656 Robert Burridge 1722 Henry Henley
1657 Gabriel West 1723 Robert Carswell
1658 Solomon Andrew 1724 Henry Holt Henley
1659 John Ellesdon 1725 John Bowdidge Jun
1660 Amyell Hart 1726 John Burridge Jun
1661 John Eyre 1727 Andrew Tucker
1662 Gregory Alford 1728 John Cox
1663 Walter Tucker 729 George Coade
1664 William Smith 1730 Henry Henley
1665 John Tucker 1731 Henry Holt Henley
1666 Solomon Andrew 1732 John Rodbard
1667 William Cottle 1733 Jonas Whetcomb
1668 Edward Edwards 1734 Robert Fowler Coade
1669 Robert Coade 1735 Thomas Henley
1670 William Cogan 1736 Francis Fane
1671 Amyell Hart 1737 George Coade Jun
1672 John Whetcomb(e) 1738 Rob Carswell died/Henry H Henley
1673 Andrew Tucker
1674 Walter Tucker
1675 William Smith 1739 John Scrope
1676 Robert Cawley 1740 J Coade
1677 Solomon Andrew 1741 Richard Churchill
1678 William Carswell 1742 Henry Fane
1679 Edward Edwards 1743 George Coade
1680 John Burridge 1744 John Newell
1681 Robert Coade 1745 Robert Henley
1682 Sol Andrew Jnr 1746 Henry Holt Henley
1683 Robert Jones 1747 Robert Fowler Coade
1684 Greg Alford/Robert Burridge
1685 Andrew Tucker 1748 Francis Fane
1686 John Standerwick (e) 1749 - [Hutchins - Samuel Warren]
1687 Amyell Hart [Amiel Hart] 1750 George Kerby [Kerbey]
1688 Robert Burridge 1751 Warren Lisle
1689 John Edwards 1752 Hon Francis Fane
1690 Nathaniel Butler 1753 Sam Warren
1691 Matthew West 1754 Warren Lisle
1692 John Lymen 1755 Thomas Fane
1693 Robert Fowler 1756 Joseph Wallis
1694 Baruch Pitts 1757 John Baker
1695 William Carswell 1758 John Fane
1696 John Burridge 1759 John Tucker
1697 John Standerwick (e) 1760 Richard Lathels
1698 Benjamin Beer 1761 A Raymond
1699 Robert Burridge 1762 Henry Swymmer
1700 John Bowdidge 1763 Warren Lisle
1701 Nataniel Gundry 1764 S Warren
1702 Samuel Courtenay 1765 R Churchill
1703 Thomas Pitt 1766 John Baker
1704 Nathaniel Butler 1767 S Warren
1705 Nicholas Newell 1768 Hon Henry Fane
1706 Jonas Whetcomb(e) 1769 J Puddicombe
1707 Matthew West 1770 Robert Clarke
1708 John Lymen 1771 W Peterson
1709 John Edwards 1772 John Luther
1710 Robert Burridge Jun 1773 A Raymond
1711 Henry Henley 1774 J Puddicomb
1712 John Bowdidge 1775 John Fane
1713 Henry Bunston 1776 S Warren
1714 Robert Colbert 1777 Inigo W Jones
1715 John Burridge 1778 Giles Davie
1716 George Manthe or Mantle 1779 G Davie held over
1780 John Coade – ousted by quo warranto William Peterson 1841 William McDowall Tartt
    1842 Robert Hillman
    1843 William Glyde
1781 G Kerbey – ousted by quo warranto Francis Hammond 1844 Capt Benett, RN
    1845 Capt Benett RN
    1846 Robert Holmes
1782 A Raymond 1847 John Swaine Hooke
1783 Francis Fane 1848 George Roberts
1784 W Peterson 1849 Daniel Carter
1785 D R Michel 1850 George Cartwright
1786 A Raymond 1851 John G S M Moore, RN
1787 D R Michel 1852 Frederic Edward Bourne
1788 John Warren 1853 Theophilus B Goddard
1789 Hon Thomas Fane 1854 George Roberts
1790 W Peterson 1855 John G S M Moore, RN
1791 G B Batson 1856 Richard Whitehouse
1792 Joseph Wallis 1857 Robert Hillman
1793 D R Michel 1858 Frederic Hinton
1794 John Warren 1859 Frederic Hinton
1795 Hon Thomas Fane 1860 Robert Hillman
1796 W Daniell 1861 Robert Hillman
1797 T Rawlings 1862 Frederic Hinton
1798 W Peterson 1863 Frederic Hinton
1799 Hon Thomas Fane 1864 Frederic Hinton
1800 John Warren 1865 Samuel Osborn
1801 A M Raymond 1866 Samuel Osborn
1802 W Daniell 1867 Samuel Osborn
1803 Henry Fane 1868 Henry Tucker
1804 Simon Lee 1869 Samuel Osborn
1805 John Michel 1870 Henry Henley
1806 W Peterson 1871 Henry Henley
1807 A M Raymond 1872 David Shorter Skinner
1808 John Donne 1873 David Shorter Skinner
1809 A M Raymond 1874 David Shorter Skinner
1810 John Warren 1875 Henry Henley
1811 C W Michel 1876 James Farnham
1812 W Peterson 1877 James Farnham
1813 A M Raymond 1878 Levi John Maeer
1814 Robert Clarke 1879 Levi John Maeer
1815 B Combe 1880 Andrew B Brandram
1816 John Donne 1881 David Shorter Skinner
1817 G P Upton 1882 Henry Henley vice  D S Skinner resigned April4th
1818 John Warren  
1819 Joseph Dornett  
1820 W Peterson 1883 Henry Henley
1821 G P Upton 1884 Henry Henley
1822 John Chambers 1885 Henry Henley
1823 Lieut Gen J Michel 1886 Henry Henley
1824 W P Daniel 1887 Zachary Edwards
1825 G P Upton 1888 Zachary Edwards
1826 T C Carpenter 1889 Zachary Edwards
1827 Jos Dornett 1890 Thomas E D Philpot
1828 C Marr 1891 Thomas E D Philpot
1829 Lieut Gen J Michel 1892 Zachary Edwards
1830 John Chambers 1893 Zachary Edwards
1831 Vere Fane 1894 Gaius Osborn
1832 Thomas Brown Hardwicke 1895 Gaius Osborn
1833 J Hussey 1896 Gaius Osborn
1834 Charles Marr 1897 Henry Octavius Bickley
1835 C Marr 1898 Henry Octavius Bickley
1836 Harry Burrard Farnall 1899 Henry Octavius Bickley
1836 Major Henry Bayly 1900 Henry Octavius Bickley
1837 Capt Benett RN 1901 John R C Talbot
1838 Harry Burrard Farnall 1902 John R C Talbot
1839 John Drayton 1903 Samuel Harris
1840 Lt Col Sir H Bayly, RN 1904 George John Rendall
1905 – present
1905 George John Rendall
1906-7 James O’Neil
1908-09 Samuel Harris
1910-11 Alban J Woodroffe
1912-13 Henry Octavius Bickley
1914-18 Alban J Woodroffe
1919-20 Alben Wiscombe
1921-23 Henry Ellis
1924-25 James Bragg
1926-27 George Frederic Eyre
1928-31 Reginald Walter Baker
1932-34 George H Worth
1935-36 George F Eyre
1937-44 William J Emmett
1945-47 Harry J Blanchard
1947-51 Alfred F King
1951-54 Beatrice M Staples
1954-55 Leah S Bonning
1955-57 Alfred F King JP
1957-58 Leah S Bonning
1958-59 D R Nicholls
1959-61 E W Grote
1961-62 Ralph Oliver CC
1962-64 E J Hallett
1964-66 F D Fortnam
1966-67 A E Lane JP
1967-69 E W Price JP
1969-70 A Richards
1970-72 V J Homyer
1972-76 Henry Chessell BA
1976-79 Henry J Broom
1979-81 Dennis F Applebee
1981-82 Ivor W J Curtis
1982-84 John P Broderick
1984-85 Philip Evans
1985-87 Ivor W J Curtis
1987-89 Dennis F Applebee
1989-91 Michael R Hartley
1991-93 Owen K Lovell
1993-94 Stuart Case
1994-97 Barbara M Austin
1997-99 Stanley B Williams
1999-2001 Owen K Lovell
2001-03 Kenneth G Dibben
2003-06 Barbara M Austin
2006-07 Kenneth Whetlor
2007-09 Sally L Holman
2009-11 Michaela L Ellis
2011-15 Sally L Holman
2015-17 Owen K Lovell
2017-19 Michaela L Ellis
2019-22 Brian Larcombe MBE
2022-2023 Michaela L Ellis
2023-2024 David Sarson
2024-2024 David Ruffle
2024- Philip Evans MBE

We are grateful to Graham Davies of Lyme Regis Museum for compiling this list.

Mayor of Lyme Regis
The Guildhall
Bridge Street
Lyme Regis
