

Woodville is a grade II listed classical style Georgian property located at the top of Silver Street on the junction of Woodmead Road.

From November 1943 until June 1944, the property housed the headquarters of "C" Company, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st US Infantry Division who led the assault landing at Omaha beach on D-Day (6 June 1944) in Normandy, France. The US troops of 16th Infantry also had an HQ at Parnham House near Beaminster. In the 1990s troops from the 16th Infantry visited Dorset and presented a plaque which is now affixed to the front of the building.

Vice-Admiral William Cox Chapman lived in the property and died there on 15th May 1895. During his distinguished career he sailed on HMS Dido to rescue slaves from Fiji and was 1st Lieutenant aboard HMS Trincomalee from 1852 to 1855.

Silver Street
Lyme Regis
